News and Status

This document contains the latest news and status regarding the Tarsis MVC Framework project. It is here you'll find announcements related to it.


We are working in 1.0beta2 release.

28 November 2004 - Tarsis MVC Framework 1.0beta1 released

We are proud to announce Tarsis MVC Framework 1.0beta1. All code has now its javadocs completed and we are improving code too.

Roadmap to version 1.0 will be:

  • Improve documentation with a quick start guide, a howto and some samples.
  • Minor changes an enhancements in code.
  • Migrate log to log4j.
  • JDBC and LDAP implementations of Authenticator and Authorizator interfaces.

4 July 2004 - Tarsis MVC Framework first public release

We are proud to announce first public release of Tarsis. Development state is early beta.